I think I might have mentioned that I tend to procrastinate a bit when it comes to my art and anything related to it.
I’ve updated my website and have had it finished for a couple of months, maybe more like 4 months and I haven’t told the world or anyone, really, that it is finished and ready for viewing. I’ve been procrastinating, making excuses – “It’s not ready”, “It’s not exactly the way I want it”, “The art isn’t good enough”, and the list goes on and on. Replace the “it’s” and the “art” with an “I” and you can imagine what’s going on in my head!
I recently read a book called Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. Ms. Brown recounted a story about her daughter: she wanted her mother to get her out of a a swim meet race because she didn’t think she would win/finish/do well. Long story short, Ms. Brown asked her daughter if she could make her goal be to just show up to the race and get wet. I’ll leave you to read the book and see what happens, but that question has resonated with me since I read the book. I make choices so much harder than they have to be. I found it’s so much easier for me to agree with myself to just “show up and get wet”. What I do from there is for another blog post but getting “showing up and getting wet” has really helped me.
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I recently sent an email announcing my newly designed and improved website to people I have come in contact with who have bought my art work over the years. It was really scary for me to hit send on that email. I’m asking everyone I know to see what I’ve created. I’m exposing myself to criticism and judgment, but I’m also exposing myself to positive comments and outcomes too. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’ve jumped into the pool and I’m swimming. Thanks Brené Brown!
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